It’s been a busy couple of months for me as I settle in as the new chair of Transport Planning Society. My thanks to all those who have helped me get my feet under the table, or just generally been very patient with my many, many questions! Most of my time since the AGM in March has been spent meeting 1:1 with my new board members, and arranging catch-ups with our supporting institutions CIHT, CILT, ICE and RTPI to ensure we are maximising opportunities for collaboration on the key issues facing the sector.
One of my first public engagement sessions was providing an opening address alongside Martin Tugwell, president of CIHT, at the re-launch of the revised Transport Planning Professional standard. Full detail of the revised standard was then covered by Professor Glenn Lyons who led the review on behalf of TPS and CIHT. Some of the key changes to the updated guidance relate to strengthening the requirement for candidates to consider constructive challenge back to their clients around scheme rationale, and to better acknowledge uncertainty when providing briefings to decision makers on scheme impacts. Further information (including a video of proceedings) here: New Guidance for TPP candidates published ( TPP is fast becoming the recognised pinnacle of achievement for all professional transport planners and I would like every member to be working towards it if at all possible.
I particularly enjoyed chairing an evening lecture on the Politics of Protest in transport on Thursday 12/05. Members can watch the recording of the session here: The politics of protest in transport, webinar | Institution of Civil Engineers ( This was a really thought provoking event exploring the confluence of policy development and public engagement/response to those policies - and the unexpected feedback loops (sometimes only emerging after many many years) that can exist between the two. I would really recommend Dr Steve Melia’s new book on this subject which provides a really accessible and entertaining summary of 30 odd years of public engagement in transport policy and decision making – TPS members can even secure a 30% discount following this link: TPS Members Discount on Steve Melia's New Book
Lots of other preparatory work on our growing Transport Planning Day campaign has also consumed my TPS time and I’m looking forward to announcing further details on that shortly. For more information please see our updated TP Day pages here: Announcing Transport Planning Day 2021 ( and in particular note the launch of our Transport Planning Society Photography Competition (, with many fantastic prizes!
Finally please take a moment to nominate someone for our prestigious Transport Planner of the Year award – see here for more details: Transport Planner of the Year 2021 - send your nominations now! ( Big boots to fill from the current holder of that in Sally Gibbons from the DfT who led on much of the guidance released by the department last year around responding to Covid. You can watch her lecture from earlier in the year here: Annual Transport Planning Society lecture 2021, webinar | Institution of Civil Engineers (
Please do feel free to get in touch with me via
Mark Frost, TPS Chair
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