Membership is open to all those interested in transport planning. 

Members have been attracted from a wide range of organisations from the public to private sectors and from a range of educational backgrounds. We currently have over 1,400 individual and student members and our membership is continuing to grow as the society develops.

There are currently four categories of Individual membership: 

  • Student / Apprentice
  • Standard / Retired
  • Designated (TPP)
  • Chartered Designated (CTTP)

Student membership is for anyone studying transport or related fields full time.

Apprentice membership is for any full-time transport planning apprentices.

Standard / Retired membership covers most other members.  .

Designated membership is for those members who hold the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification, provided by the TPS together with the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT).

Chartered Designated membership is for those who have the TPP Chartered status (CTTP) 

Why Join?

  • Raise your profile through volunteering in the Society by joining our groups and getting involved in discussions on key technical and policy issues in transport, including regional events, and further your professional development
  • Participate in the mentoring scheme either as a mentor or mentee
  • Help to build networks, contacts and relationships with like-minded professionals 
  • Monthly ebulletins outlining the latest TPS news, events and transport planning vacancies
  • Develop your knowledge and skills at our free TPS meetings and events throughout the country, featuring high profile speakers, stimulating policy debates, social events and great networking opportunities with fellow transport professionals
  • Eligibility to apply for, and hold the Transport Planning Professional qualification (TPP) and if successful, the Chartered Transport Planning Professional title (CTTP)


  • Eligibility to undertake the TPS Professional Development Scheme (employer must be a licensee) and if successful hold the title Incorporated Transport Planner (IncTP)


  • Eligibility for Standard Members to use MTPS as a post nominal 


  • Free attendance at TPS events and discounts for supported conferences like the annual Transport Practitioners Meeting


  • Monthly e-bulletins outlining the latest TPS news, events and Transport Planning vacancies


  • Discounts on publications including Local Transport Today and TransportXtra


  • Eligibility to apply for the TPS’ annual Young Professionals Bursary Award


  • Voting rights on matters related to the AGM 

How to Join

You can apply online to become an Individual, Apprentice, Student, Designated, or Chartered Designated Member by clicking here. 

If you wish to renew your existing annual membership online you can do so by clicking here.

Annual fees

Processing of subscriptions is substantially cheaper if made by Direct Debit and so we have introduced an additional charge on subscriptions for those members that opt not to pay by Direct Debit. Charges for 2025 are below:

For those currently paying by Direct Debit no further action is required. For those who wish to pay by Direct Debit for 2025 subscriptions, please set this up as soon as possible, as the charge will be set effective of the status of your account on the 31st December 2024.

Chartered Designated Membership -Direct Debit


Chartered Designated Membership - not by Direct Debit


Designated Membership – Direct Debit


Designated Membership – not by Direct Debit


Standard/Retired Membership – Direct Debit


Standard/Retired Membership – not by Direct Debit


Student/ Apprentice Membership (for full time students/apprentices only)

Initially free for a max of 3 years, whereafter you will be invited to transfer to Standard Membership. This category can be extended should individuals be continuing as Students or Apprentices at the discretion of the Society. 

Please note that payment will be collected by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) on behalf of the TPS.

For those currently paying by Direct Debit no further action is required. For those who wish to pay by Direct Debit for 2025 subscriptions, please set this up as soon as possible, as the charge will be set effective of the status of your account on the 31st December 2024. You can set up an annual Direct Debit on the MyICE section of the ICE website prior to then at, alternatively you can contact the ICE Subscriptions Department on (020 7665 2227). You will need to quote your membership number with all enquiries. Your personal data is also held on the MyICE site and as such this is also a good opportunity to update any changes to personal contact details.

Please note that the ICE is only able to process Direct Debits aligned to UK registered bank accounts. We apologise therefore to those members who are unable to set up such a facility.

You can apply online to become an Individual, Apprentice, Student, Designated or Chartered Designated Member by clicking here. 

As our subscription year runs from January to December, we offer discounts to new members joining later in the year: 

Time of joining  Discount Membership expires
1 Jan - 30 June inclusive None 31 Dec of year of joining
1 July - 30 Sep inclusive 50% 31 Dec of year of joining 
1 Oct - 31 Dec inclusive No charge for current year, but full year rate owing for following year 31 Dec of following year

Using MTPS as post-nominals

All members of the society are asked to commit to working to the professional standards required under the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct and standard members are permitted to use MTPS as post-nominals. Designated and Chartered Members, who are already committed to complying with the Code of Professional Conduct will also be able to use MTPS, as well as TPP or CTTP, as post-nominals.

It is conventional practice that post-nominals for membership of learned societies and professional institutions come after academic and professional qualifications,  for example Chris Jones BA TPP MTPS.

The use of MTPS will help identify members in their work as transport planners, as well as raising the profile of transport planning as a profession.

The Code of Professional Conduct requires all members to:

  • ensure that they acquire, and use wisely and faithfully, the knowledge that is relevant to their work in the service of others;
  • adopt the highest standards of professional conduct, openness, fairness and honesty;
  • give due weight to all relevant law, facts, published guidance, best practice, and the wider public interest; and,
  • be aware of the issues that transport planning activities and outcomes raise for society, and listen to the aspirations and concerns of others.

In addition, members must accept the Society’s disciplinary process should there be any complaint about their alleged failure to comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct.

All members of the society are assumed to have read, understood and committed to complying with the Code of Professional Conduct, and (with the exception of student and apprentice members) ensure that their subscription is fully paid.

A copy of the Code of Professional Conduct can be downloaded by clicking here. For further information contact the Society at

How to become a Designated Member (TPP)

  • Designated Membership is for those with the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification, provided by the Society together with the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT)
  • Candidates applying for the TPP must be members of the Society or CIHT, and if they are TPS members and not CIHT members they must apply for Designated Membership when they apply for award of the TPP
  • Designated Membership will not be awarded until the TPP qualification is awarded
  • In accordance with good professional practice, Designated Members are required to maintain at least 25 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) a year and to work in accordance with the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct


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