Transport Planner of the Year

Each year at the Transport Practitioners Meeting TPS presents the Transport Planner of the Year Award to an outstanding individual. The winner receives their award and is always invited to give the Annual Guest Lecture after the Annual General Meeting.

We ask the TPS members to nominate a candidate who has made an exceptional contribution to the transport planning profession in the last year. This could be in the form of a project delivered, a pioneering technique or approach used, someone who has put their head above the parapet or just because they are a good ambassador for the profession.  The TPS Board then votes and a winner is selected. 

Transport Planners of the Year 2015 - 2024


Transport Planners of the Year 2003 - 2014



Frank Baxter

Southampton City Council For setting up the Centre for Excellence for Smarter Choices.


Emma  Osborne

Transport for London For an outstanding contribution to the success of the 2012 London Olympics.


Ian Drummond

Leicestershire County Council For a significant contribution to raising the profile of the profession and skills.


Tony Wilson

Transport for London For outstanding work on the cross-Thames cable car project.


Martin Knowles

Surrey County Council For promoting three major transport schemes in Surrey - Guildford Hub, Reigate-Redhill Hub, and Airtrack.


Colin Brader, ITP & Dr Anthony Mobereola

ITP Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority

For their work in delivering the Bus Rapid Transport system in Lagos, Nigeria.


Barry Horne

Nottingham City Council 

For the implementation of the Work Place Levy Charge.


Michele Dix & Malcolm Murray-Clark

Transport for London

For the implementation of the Central London Congestion Charge Western Extension


Ali Clabburn


For setting up the ridesharing system 


Andrew Forster


For Local Transport Today 


Keith Mitchell

PBA (now Stantec)

For the Transport Planning Skills Initiative 


Derek Turner

Transport for London

For implementation of the Central London Congestion Charge 


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