TPS Response to the Integrated Transport Strategy Call for Ideas


The Transport Planning Society (TPS) commends the Government for developing a strategy to set the high-level direction for how transport should be designed, built and operated in England over the next 10 years.

The TPS was formed in 1997 to provide a professional framework for the transport planning profession. The society seeks to facilitate, develop and promote best practice and innovation in transport planning and provide a focus for dialogue between all those engaged in it - whatever their background. To aid us with this mission we have recently set up a new Policy Panel representing a wide range of practitioners from across the profession, from esteemed Professors to newly qualified transport planners. One of their early tasks was to consider your call for ideas to support the development of the Integrated National Transport Strategy (INTS).

We have used their input to respond to the formal questions asked in the Consultation, as well as the wider question of what England’s first strategy of this nature should try to achieve.  

We propose “five core integrations” that we believe are necessary to truly realise an integrated national transport network that fully contributes to all the wider government missions.
  1. Integration of an “optimise first” approach to managing the network across all key operators and responsible authorities
  2. Integration across government departments on transport policy, and particularly in respect to respect to climate; land use & transport and; health.
  3. Integration across all tiers of government around a core mission to deliver sustainable transport
  4. Innovation in how integration can support access to the network by all users
  5. Integration between the mission and the funding and expertise necessary to deliver it
To read more about our proposals, please read both our Cover Letter and Consultation response in full.

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