Strategic road investment: Transport Select Committee Call for evidence

Transport Planning Society response

About the Transport Planning Society

The Transport Planning Society (TPS) is the only professional body focusing entirely on transport planning in the UK.  The aim of the Society is to raise the profile of transport planning and chart a course for the profession.

What the impacts of delays and cost overruns are on the overall programme, and whether the revised programme can be delivered to schedule and on budget
What progress is being made on planning for the next Road Investment Strategy
What lessons from RIS2 need to be incorporated into RIS3 to ensure it is achievable and delivers on policy objectives
Whether the Government’s current and forthcoming roads investment programme is meeting the current and future needs of consumers and business
Whether the Government’s roads investment programme aligns with other policy priorities, such as decarbonisation, levelling up, productivity and growth
How RIS3 should take account of technological developments, and evidence on ways of increasing capacity on the Strategic Road Network (such as smart motorways and potential alternatives to them).



To conclude, too much reliance is placed on technology as a solution, without considering the benefits of alternative approaches such as engendering behavioural change. Whether achieved via road building or via technological interventions, any capacity increase will result in induced demand and generate traffic which will both counter the immediate scheme objectives and wider government policy.

Corresponding author: Tom van Vuren, Director of Policy ( Contributions by Rose Yorke Barber, Alex Bennett, John Carr, Keith Mitchell, Colin Black, Ben Plowden, Howard Potter, Ben Plowden and Lucy Taussig.

Strategic road investment: Transport Select Committee Call for evidence

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