‘Bridging the Gap’ – How do we close the gap between UK carbon reduction targets and the reality of new developments?
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Join us for a session exploring the ‘Bridging the Gap’ report, published last year, and the work that has been progressed since its publication.
The Bridging the Gap report suggests there needs to be a systemic shift in the way we travel if the UK is to achieve its net zero mobility targets. The ambitious study has been created by Stantec and research network Decarbon8. The research was conducted in collaboration with Transport for the North (TfN), Transport for Greater Manchester, and Bury Council, as well as Leeds, Newcastle, and Lancaster universities.
The extensive report outlines a carbon ‘gap’ between what can be achieved by following current government transport decarbonisation policy, and the meeting of these targets in a local planning context. It concludes that relying on a switch to electric vehicles alone will not be enough to meet transport decarbonisation targets and that people and place need to play a much bigger role.
Leigh Stolworthy will present a summary of the key findings of the report, noting the ‘next steps’ identified by the report:
Leigh will focus on the work that has been done on investigating Transport Futures – leading on from Land Use Futures work done by colleagues, and feeding into the Societal Readiness work that will follow on from this. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion from some of the industry’s leading players in this space.
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