The Welsh transport appraisal guidance (WelTAG) 2022 consultation: Transport Planning Society response

Transport Planning Society response

About the Transport Planning Society

The Transport Planning Society (TPS) is the only professional body focusing entirely on transport planning in the UK.  The aim of the Society is to raise the profile of transport planning and chart a course for the profession.

Question 1: WelTAG 2022 places less emphasis on the use of cost-benefit ratios, and more emphasis on wellbeing appraisal based on the ambitions and targets in the Wales Transport Strategy. Do you have any comments on this approach?
Question 2: WelTAG 2022 introduces a new Stage 0 Case for Change and suggests that it should be done by the in-house team. Do you have comments on this?
Question 3: Would it be beneficial to use WelTAG at a strategic or programme level? If so, what types of transport interventions might best benefit from a strategic WelTAG approach?
Question 4: WelTAG 2022 provides guidance on aligning transport planning and land use planning. What are the key issues and how could we address them in the guidance?
Question 5: WelTAG 2022 introduces a proportionate approach to appraisal through three levels of detail, WelTAG lite, WelTAG standard and WelTAG plus. Most projects in Wales, including most active travel projects, should use WelTAG lite. Do you have comments on this approach?
Question 6: We are developing technical guidance to accompany the main guidance. Can you suggest specific tables or templates that would be helpful? Which particular topics would benefit from further guidance?
Question 7: Do you have any other comments or feedback on the draft WelTAG 2022 guidance?
Question 8: Do you have any suggestions for how the governance of WelTAG might be improved in order to ensure that studies are high quality, meet the needs of users and represent good value for money?


As TPS we welcome the promise of a set of quality checklists to make sure that the information in WelTAG reports is relevant and fit for purpose. Once provided, we would be pleased to assess these, provide you with our considered views, and promote them as good practice among our membership.

We look forward to seeing the intended further guidance documents, including the model brief to commission studies from consultants. We believe that other jurisdictions would benefit from these, too.


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