TPS Chair Mark Frost responds to “incredibly progressive” Greater Cambridge plans

In a statement responding to plans announced this week from the Greater Cambridge Partnership, TPS Chair, Mark Frost, said:

“These are hugely ambitious future mobility plans from the Greater Cambridge Partnership that I know will have the support of many transport planners across the country.

“The massive investment to improve frequency and availability of buses, and create a true 7 day service, coupled with cross city active travel improvements funded in part by a £5 road user charge within a 'sustainable travel zone' in the city centre is an excellent example of innovative, locally led  transport planning, carefully designed to tackle a wide range of transport challenges.

“With appropriate safeguards in place for those least able to change their travel behaviour, this would be an incredibly progressive package, as Transport Planners well know those on the highest incomes typically drive most, while those on the lowest absolutely depend upon the bus, walking and cycling.

“London blazed the way with this approach nearly two decades ago,  showing how buses can become a mainstay for everyone when properly funded and free of congestion, as this plan aims to achieve, bringing improvements and more affordable fares in before the charging scheme would go live.

“Transport is the leading source of carbon emissions and Cambridge is showing the vital role transport planners have to play in our response to the climate emergency while expanding travel opportunities for all.

"The further engagement and statutory consultation on the road user charging scheme to come later this year is vital to get the scheme right and ensure voices are heard and concerns listened to. We look forward to hearing more about this proposal after this next stage."

TPS’ State of the Nation’s Report from 2020 highlighted the need to reduce carbon intensive transport and invest in low carbon alternatives. Read the State of Nations Report here. This year, with the help of the University of Hertfordshire and Stephen Joseph, we are updating our State of Nations report to be launched on TP Day 2022.

For this years Transport Planning Day we are focussing on future proofing transport. After 2 years of managing the pandemic, we now need to start looking forward to see how we can make sure our transport systems are ready for the challenges which lie ahead. Find out more about TP Day 2022.


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