The Time:
6-8pm (arrive later than 6.20pm and you’ll regret it)
The Place:
UCL Institute of Education (Elvin Hall - Core B, Level 1), 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL
The Idea:
A bunch of people interested in transport planning - likely including many actual transport planners - get together, get hold of a drink, and have a snack or two. They listen to a few invited speakers who answer the question ‘How Hard Can It Be?’ from their particular perspectives. With the assistance of an MC, they then challenge or reflect upon what they’ve heard, perhaps ask questions of their own, and generally engage in lively back-and-forth (a.k.a. learned discourse) about the place of transport planning in the world, including how to raise the profile of the profession and attract more people into it.
The Cast:
Rachel Aldred - University of Westminster; Reader in Transport
Susan Claris - Arup & Living Streets Trustee
Feryal Clark - Hackney Council; Deputy Mayor and Cabinet member for Transport & more
Tom Cohen - UCL Centre for Transport Studies
Sam Monck - Transport for London & formerly Camden Council
MC: John Dales, Urban Movement
The Deal:
The event is free of charge, though hopefully not quite a free-for-all. However, since it would be very helpful to have an idea of numbers in advance, please book your place here.
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