Reducing Traffic – what is Possible? A campaigner’s perspective on achieving modal shift and reducing road mileage.
Location: London, In-Person only
Date and Time: May 2nd, 18:00 - 20:00
Reserve your free spot now here
As part of our Transport Planning Day 2024 theme on: ‘The Road Less Travelled: the Principles, Policies, Practicalities and Politics of Reducing Car Use in the UK’, we’re delighted to have Leo Murray, CEO of charity Possible, to present a campaigner’s perspective on the opportunities and barriers to delivering a real terms of reduction in vehicle traffic.
As transport planning can too often feel like collateral damage in some wider culture war, this event hosted by the Transport Planning Society will be an invaluable opportunity for TPS members and friends to hear the perspective of those in civil society agitating for change.
What they would like practitioners to do and how effective and appropriate relationships might be developed between officials and campaigners to help enable common goals to be achieved.
Leo Murray - director of innovation and engagement at the charity We Are Possible will take us through a number of the programmes and workshops that have reduced car use in cities.
17:30 - 18:00 - Refreshments
18:00 - 18:10 - Welcome and introductions
18:10 - 18:50 - Reducing traffic - what is possible? A campaigner's perspective on achieving modal shift and reducing road mileage, Leo Murray, director of innovation and engagement at We Are Possible?
18:50 - 19:20 - Panel discussion chaired by Ben Plowden. Lisa Martin (Steer), Aiofe Dudley (City Science), Aya Collins (Smart Transport Hub).
19:20 - 20:00 - Conclusions and Networking drinks
20:00 - Close
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