in conjunction with CIHT, the RTPI and the TPN.
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Programme – timing may vary slightly at the live event
Much is written and said about transport being a derived demand, with land use setting the location of that demand. As part of this seminar, we explore the links between good land use and good transport principles, how they complement each other, all the latest best practice and guidance on the subject, with several practical examples of exemplar developments delivered on the ground.
10.00 Welcome - Alexis Edwards, RTPI South West Chair
10.05 Making the award winning DfT connectivity tool work for you - Marco Picardi, Robert Singleton and Fergus O’Dowd, Planning Team at Department for Transport
10.40 Case study - Peninsula transport Quantified Carbon Toolkit - Alex Thomas, WSP
11.00 Case study - Oxfordshire Local Transport Plans - Nick Perrins, Oxfordshire County Council
11.20 Q&A
11.35 Refreshment Break
12.00 ATE Toolkit Guidance - Laurence Fallon, Development Management Team Leader at Active Travel England
12.20 Air Quality Awareness - An introduction to how Sustrans Air Quality projects approach placemaking for students and community groups , focusing on how planning affects our exposure to air pollution and how we can reduce our own exposure to poor air quality.
Clare Dowling, Programme Manager for Behaviour Change at Sustrans.
12.40 Q&A
13.50 Lunch
13.50 Catalytic Community Hubs – where community and mobility hubs come together to form the catalyst for new settlements Mobility Hubs have very quickly become part of the lexicon of planning for better integration and choice for sustainable travel in a wide variety of locations. The ability to combine modes and important amenities and assets in an easily discernable place must go a long way to create a credible alternative to jumping in the car. But could they be used in combination with essential community facilities to act as catalytic hubs to form the nucleus of sustainable new towns and settlements?
AECOM, with Edge Urban Design and Turley have been investigating another aspect of mobility hubs related to their use as Catalytic Community Hubs in new and expanded settlements. Mobility hubs as placemakers to grow and anchor new communities
It’s about creating Social Value from not just getting you there, but getting to know you too.
Bob Miller, AECOM
14.10 Transport Planning Large Scale Housing Developments: Exeter TTWA Case studies - David Knight, Transport Planning at Norman Rourke Pryme
14.40 Developing Rail Proposals - Julian Phatarfod, Arup
15.00 Q&A
15.15 RTPI Policy update - Dr Ada Lee, Infrastructure and Climate Change Specialist
15.25 Panel discussion - Led by Nick Perrins, Chair of the RTPI Transport Planning Network
16.00 Summary & Close - Alexis Edwards, RTPI South West Chair
16.30 Networking Refreshments
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