You need to develop a new settlement. You need to do a transport assessment. You reach for the TRICS database to tell you what the car trips will be. STOP! What are you doing??
You can’t predict the future – TRICS provides evidence of the past, but it offers no truth about the future. The future is a product of dynamics in wider society (and my goodness we now have plenty of those) and a product of how we shape it.
What your settlement needs is still TRICS. But you need to use it differently! You need to decide and provide instead of predict and provide.
This TPS Ireland session is an opportunity to hear from the people behind developing decide and provide as a planning approach and learn about the new “TRICS Guidance Note on the practical implementation of Decide and Provide”. This will help you learn from the past and shape the future of new development in a way that creates better outcomes fit for a deeply uncertain post-COVID decarbonising world.
When: 6pm to 7pm, Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Where: Please RSVP to by Monday 21st June to receive a Teams invite to this free event.
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