Join us for this free lunch time chat about road safety in the UK.

Although road safety is an important and pertinent topic at all times, changes to the Highway Code in January 2021 increased the priority of non-motorised users in our streets. This event will look at the impacts of those changes from a range of angles around road safety, including an overview of road safety in the UK (David Davies – PACTS) and some recent research into attitudes surrounding the design of side road junctions (Jonathan Flower – UWE).

As well as understanding the processes that contribute to road danger and dangerous driving, approaches are also constantly being developed to tackle it. Both local authorities and national bodies are taking harsher measures against dangerous driving, as demonstrated by the Welsh Operation Snap (Teresa Ciano - GanBwyll – GoSafe Wales) which enables members of the public to submit video evidence for the prosecution of dangerous drivers, and a London borough which has been prosecuting drivers specifically on speeding offenses (Nick O’Donnell – Wandsworth Borough Council). Join us for these varied presentations from speakers across the UK, followed by a Q&A.

Register for the day here.

The speakers will be:

Teresa Teresa Ciano has over 17 years’ experience working in Road Safety and enforcement and     since 2017 has been the Partnership Manager GoSafe: the Wales Road Casualty Reduction   Partnership.

 Teresa’s team delivers strategic planning, Communications and Marketing, data and   performance reporting as well as policy writing and compliance.  She also oversees the work   of four operational police units for GoSafe and two Central Ticket Offices with the partnership   employing over 140 staff.

 Teresa has worked on a number of key projects for the partnership, including the formation   of an All Wales Partnership, digitisation and was instrumental in delivering the award winning   Operation SNAP to Wales, the first forces to do so.  Current projects include working on the   change to default residential speed limits in Wales to 20mph and designing an enforcement   strategy for schemes installed for Air Quality in Wales.

In 2019, she was honoured to become a member of the board of Trustees for the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) and has consulted on several reports in that time, which means she gets a sneak peek of the reports she will have read anyway, being a big advocate of the research PACTS produces since she started work in Road Safety in 2005.


David David Davies has a background in sustainable transport, road safety and public sector   scrutiny. His PhD in transport planning led to his appointment as transport policy officer at   Birmingham City Council. He then worked as a consultant in UK and Hong Kong before   forming David Davies Associates, which specialised in sustainable transport, including five   years at the Transport Research Lab and the DfT.

 In 2003 he moved to the Audit Commission, undertaking transport and environment   inspections and performance assessments of local authorities.

 In 2007 he moved to the House of Commons Transport Committee, managing inquiries into   aviation, high-speed rail, ports and bus competition. He has been the Executive Director of   PACTS since January 2013 where he promotes effective casualty reduction measures and integration of safety with wider environmental and sustainability polices. He has increasingly called on the UK government to adopt a more ambitious road safety strategy.


J Flower

 Dr Jonathan Flower is a Transport Planner and researcher at the Centre for Transport and   Society at UWE Bristol. He is a Board member with the Transport Planning Society, seeking to   underpin Transport practice with academic research and to inform students of the career   opportunities in the field of Transport. His current research project portfolio has a road safety   focus and includes bus safety in Nepal; behaviour in proximity to automated vehicles; street   design improvements for people walking and cycling; and an evaluation of the West of England e-scooter trial. 






Nick Nick is the current Assistant Director for Traffic & Engineering across both Richmond and   Wandsworth Councils and has over 25 years of public and private sector experience.  His   extensive portfolio of successfully delivered projects covers all modes of transport with major   projects such as the Docklands Light Railway Extension to Woolwich Arsenal, borough wide   LED and 20mph roll out in both Richmond and Wandsworth, Nine Elms masterplan delivery,   the Southall Opportunity Area Framework and major town centre regeneration projects across London including award winning transformative schemes.


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