Following on from the 10 year review of the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification, led by Professor Glenn Lyons, the Professional Standards Committee has approved a set of changes to the TPP guidance, due to be fully implemented by 2022.  While there has been an opportunity for general updating and clarification, four important areas are addressed in the revisions:

  • being more inclusive of non-UK experience (this will be coupled with some TPP pilots outside the UK)
  • adopting the approach of “constructively challenge” in the context of greater standing and authority for the transport planning profession
  • dealing with uncertainty, particularly in forecasting and modelling, in an open and understandable way
  • respecting and fully taking account of the views of others.

However, there is no fundamental structural change, so the guidance has changed within the existing technical and professional units.

The TPP is jointly run by TPS and CIHT and documentation will be launched by them, with Professor Lyons, at a web based event on 25th March, 4 pm.  

The Speakers include
·         Lynda McLurg, Chair of PSC;
·         Mark Frost, the new TPS Chair;
·         Martin Tugwell, CIHT President; and
·         Professor Glenn Lyons, who led the TPP 10 year review. 
The Agenda is as follows:
·         Welcome by Lynda McLurg (Chair TPP Professional Standards Committee)
·         Introductory remarks from Mark Frost, new chair of TPS and Martin Tugwell, President of CIHT
·         Outcome of the TPP 10-Year Review: Professor Glenn Lyons
·         Implementation of the revised competencies Lynda McLurg
·         Q&A session
The TPS PDS is being amended to ensure compatibility with the new TPP guidance and will be launched at the end of April / early May.

The link to join the meeting is at

TPS Skills Director, Keith Buchan, said

“The new guidance will represent what we have learned from a decade of running the TPP and more recently achieving the Chartered title. It reflects the growing authority of transport planning as a profession.  The open minded, problem solving approach at the heart of transport planning and its commitment to sustainability will be needed more than ever as the world recovers and changes after the Covid pandemic.“


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