Transport Planning Day - Decide and Provide discussion

In association with the TPS and CIHT / Online

As part of celebrating Transport Planning Day (14 November 2022), the RTPI South West in association with the Transport Planning Society and the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transport have come together in the South West to facilitate a topical discussion.

This is intended to be a conversational event around the ‘Decide and Provide’ approach, which offers an alternative methodology when assessing future trips and travel patterns associated with a new development, along with influencing vision and strategy at a higher level. We will be sharing our experiences and thoughts on applying the theory in practice and welcome a discussion around the topic. This will be interactive, so please feel free to bring questions and experiences to share.


  • Lynn Basford from Basford Powers
  • Nick Rabbets from TRICS
  • Caitlin Turley from Paul Basham Associates
  • Kate Mackay from Mott MacDonald
  • Anna Rothnie from Mott MacDonald
  • Grace Hancock from Rappor

The webinar is free for TPS members so make sure to sign up here.


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