When: 6:30 pm to 8 pm, Thursday 20th June 2024
Where: In-Person at NTA Offices, Harcourt Lane, Dun Scéine, Dublin 2; or Please RSVP to roi@tps.org.uk by Wednesday 19th June to receive a Teams invite to this free event
Register now through this link
The Transport Planning Society is delighted to host an evening with Jarrett Walker on the launch of his updated book, Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich our Communities and our Lives
Jarrett served as the lead network designer for all of the recent BusConnects bus network redesigns, including the Dublin plan being implemented now and forthcoming plans for Galway, Cork, Limerick and Waterford. This work of figuring out turn-by-turn bus route detail across these cities has given him a unique perspective on how Irish town planning has sometimes frustrated the goals of public transport.
His firm has turned that experience into a new guide for Irish town planners, published by the NTA, called "Planning Cities and Towns for Successful Bus Services." This important document is designed to help land use planners create urban forms that useful and attractive bus service can serve efficiently.
Jarrett will be sharing the lessons from his experience in steering the reshaping of the urban bus network in Ireland and how that was guided by the principles set out in his book and how that has shaped the recent NTA guidelines and feed into the update of his book which explains key concepts of public transport network planning for non-professionals. His book Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich our Communities and our Lives, was published by Island Press in 2011. A substantially revised edition was published in 2024.
Jarrett is the Founder and CEO of Jarrett Walker + Associates. He is an international consultant in public transport planning and policy, including the links between transport and all aspects of community planning and urban structure.
His clients include authorities, municipalities, operators, developers, and non-profits – anyone who wants to make better use of public transport as a tool to support resilient communities, individual liberty, and social inclusion.
In his 33 years of consulting, Jarrett has worked on more than 200 public transport planning projects in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, in more than 100 cities, from small towns to major metro areas.
Jarrett’s firm has built a strong track record in a range of transport planning and policy issues, including local-regional transport integration, flexible services planning, and innovative public involvement. JWA staff have worked extensively on the integration of public transport into community planning at all scales, from the design of new developments to the structure of an urban region. Their work covers the spectrum of planning perspectives, from visionary urbanism to operational detail.
Jarrett is also known for his work educating stakeholders about the choices that public transport requires, building clear public consultation processes, and helping organizations form coherent and implementable transport goals. Since 2009 he has written the popular blog HumanTransit.org, which has grown into a well-respected collection of articles explaining key transport concepts and emerging issues.
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