Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Where does it fit in Ireland?
Case studies and operator insight
Venue: Museum Building, Trinity College
MaaS is defined as “using a digital interface to source and manage the provision of a transport related service(s) which meets the mobility requirements of a customer”. MaaS has been talked about a lot for the last 5 years, but now concrete trials and offers are starting to be available. This TPS event aims to explain what MaaS is and how it works, as well as the potential advantages it could offer over current transport provision. The discussion will look at some of the barriers to the roll-out of MaaS and the approaches being considered to overcome these.
Keynote Speaker – Sampo Hietanan – Founder of MaaS Global/Whim
Who will talk about his vision for MaaS and his role in delivering MaaS schemes in Helsinki and Birmingham.
The event will also feature a panel discussion made up of Sampo and
operators/suppliers in the Irish market.
Hugh Cooney – Founder of BleeperBike
Colm Brady – MD of GoCar & Europcar Mobility Group Ireland
Aiden Connolly - Head of Innovation & Special Projects – Yuko part of Toyota/Lexus
Please register here.
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