Click here to attend: RTPI | Free Parking?

The Transport Planning Society in association with RTPI South West and the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transport have come together in the South West to facilitate a series of topical discussions.

Car parking is one of a few subjects that everyone is an expert yet little agreement is found. For many it is the cause of the decline of town centres and the scourge of pavements nationwide, for others the limited numbers at new developments are too small to use set within a sea of blacktop.

This joint Institute event explores the world of parking with our panel speakers taking you from the theoretical background, down into policy and guidance, and finally looking at case study examples before opening into a panel discussion. This will be interactive, so please feel free to bring questions and experiences to share.


  • David Milner, Create Streets
  • TBC, i-Transport LLP
  • Other panelists TBC

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