Join this online event organised by the ICE as part of its Strategy Series. It brings together some of the key figures responsible for increasing active travel in some of Britain's biggest towns and cities as well as sharing international experience.
- Paralympian Dame Sarah Storey, Active Travel Commissioner, Sheffield
- Role of Active Travel Commissioner
- Mayoral activity to increase active travel
- Increasing road safety for bikes
- Sheffield’s active travel challenges and lessons for elsewhere
- Phil Jones, Consultant
- Active Travel England and its remit
- Local Transport Note 1/20 on Cycle Infrastructure
- funding for ‘pop-up’ cycling and walking facilities
- Is the active travel increase during lockdown permanent?
- Alan Bunting, Head of Development Delivery, British Land.
- Developing in a post-Covid world
- Developers considerations around active travel
- The future of work and what this means for developers’ travel considerations
- Lee Waters, Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport in Welsh Government [just Q+A]
- will offer a politician’s view on active travel as part of a Q&A
- Mary Creagh, CEO, Living Streets
- Creating a walking nation
- Using government policies to impact the environment
- Corporate environmentally responsible business practices?
- Susan Claris, Transport Planner, Arup
- Raising the profile of profile of walking
- Flexible use of streets
- Future-proofing for different transport modes
- How to make walking and cycling more inclusive (age, gender, income, disability, people from BAME backgrounds)
- inclusive and flexible use of streets,
- opening up walking and cycling for everyone – drawing on the recent Cycling for Everyone report
- Henriette Vamburg, Partner and Managing Director, Gehl, Denmark
- the importance of creating liveable cities
- the vital role that walking, cycling and public spaces play in city transformations.
- strategies for reducing traffic dominance
- lessons from Denmark and elsewhere
For more information and details on how to register go to the ICE website