Rail stations provide a key role as gateways to our communities. They offer the potential to form part of an integrated, multi-modal public transport system that meets the needs of customers making a range of trips, including journeys to work, education/training and access to facilities and amenities. Importantly, stations also shape visitors first impressions of an area when they arrive and influence people’s decisions on where to live and work.
A significant amount of work is being undertaken in the North West to deliver a range of improvements to rail stations, alongside innovative work comprising changes to traditional governance and operation models. This event will include presentations from officers leading this work in Greater Manchester and the Liverpool City Region. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Simon Elliott (Rail Station Partnership Lead, Transport for Greater Manchester)
Tony Killen (Rail Station Development Advisor, Merseytravel)
Rory Kingdon (Senior Sponsor, Network Rail)
Venue: Transport for Greater Manchester, 2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BG
Please arrive 17:45 for 18:00 start (duration approx: 1 ½ hours)
We require that all attendees register for the event in advance (places are limited). Please register here.
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