The TPS Chair, Mark Frost, will be leading a webinar on Best Practice in Equality Impact Assessment. This is one of the events in our Transport Planning Day Campaign, culminating in Transport Planning Day 2021 on 15th November.
The event will look to explore:
Mark will be joined by an excellent panel of speakers including:
Katie Pennick - Campaigns Lead, Transport for All
Katie Pennick is the Campaigns Lead at Transport for All, the only disabled-led group striving to increase access to transport and streetspace across the UK.
Katie leads on the organisation’s campaigning, policy, media and influencing work. Transport for All believe passionately that disabled people should be able to travel with the same level of confidence and freedom as everyone else. Building on the spirit of their roots as a direct-action protest group, they are now focused on systems change, devising campaigns that are strategic, data-driven and impactful. They make change in lots of different ways, from influencing policy through stakeholder engagement to raising public awareness with successful media campaigns. Their ground-breaking Pave The Way report remains the only in-depth and independent piece of research into the impacts of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on disabled people.
Lucy Marstrand-Taussig - Technical Lead, Metis
Lucy is Technical Lead for Walking and Cycling at Metis, a consultancy providing highways design and sustainable drainage expertise for Transport for London and a range of authorities.
She is on the Board of Director’s for the Transport Planning Society, co-chairs the ICE's Active Travel Community of Practice, is a member of the Department for Transport’s Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Group and was on the DfT's Expert Steering Group for the national cycle design guidance (Local Transport Note 1/20).
She provides policy and design advice on low traffic streets, walking, cycling and road danger reduction to authorities across London and the UK.
Aya Collins - Head of Service for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, Islington Council
Aya is the Head of Transport Projects and people-friendly streets at the London Borough of Islington.
She is an urbanist with a passion for creating just cities and striving for transport decarbonisation. She has six years’ experience in smart cities technology, urban planning and transport programme delivery. She is currently driving the people-friendly streets programme at Islington working on a programme of low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets and cycle lanes and delivering an ambitious transport strategy.
Islington won a Sustainable City Award for 'Trailblazing Public Sector Organisation in 2020' and is the current leader on the Healthy Streets Scorecard following the delivery of LTNs and School Streets in 2020.
Register for this event here.
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