Transport Practitioners’ Meeting 2017 Call for Papers

The Transport Practitioners’ Meeting is the annual meeting place for all transport planners, highway engineers and urban transport designers to present topical papers, share knowledge, engage in constructive debates  and disseminate the latest thinking across the profession.

Now in its 15th year, TPM returns to Nottingham this June. With a flurry of impressive transport projects, Nottingham provides both a central location and an fascinating backdrop for sharing knowledge and best practice with fellow transport practitioners.

Presenting a paper at TPM is an excellent opportunity to raise both your personal as well as your company’s profile in connection with a specific topic. It’s also a fantastic developmental opportunity for younger practitioners, offering a unique way to gain experience presenting to a friendly, but knowledgeable, audience of fellow professionals. For further information about the Call for Papers, please visit our website. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 12 noon on Thursday, 19 January 2017.

TPM is supported by the Transport Planning Society which also sponsors two awards presented at the TPM Awards Dinner including Best Paper at the Conference by a Young Professional and Transport Planner of the Year.

Submitting an abstract through the Call for Papers is recognised as an important contribution to the development of technical and professional skills promoted by TPS’ Professional Development Scheme and will additionally count towards CPD hours.

If you have any questions about submitting a paper or about TPM in general, please contact the PTRC Events Team at or 0207 348 1970.

See you in Nottingham 28 – 29 June 2017!

TPM is organised by PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd.



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