Transport Planning Day – we need your support!

One of the 2017-2019 TPS Strategic Objectives is to ensure that the TPS is influential and proactive in seeking improvements in policy and practice, and in setting the transport agenda at a national, regional and local level.  To help us meet this objective, and following a suggestion by one of our members, at the last TPS Board meeting we agreed to hold a Transport Planning Day later in 2018.

The two purposes of a Transport Planning Day are: to raise our profile with as wide an audience as possible, and to celebrate and promote transport planning and transport planners.  In particular, we want to show that transport planning has had a really positive impact on people, places and society, and is critical to a sustainable future. We want to understand what people and communities value in transport projects, and how they make a difference to people’s lives.

We are in the early planning stages of this initiative, but we expect it to comprise a programme of events across all TPS regions.  We need people to get involved and help us plan and organise this programme: this is your chance to shape the profile and impact of our profession!  We are looking for TPS members to join our Transport Planning Day steering group, particularly young professionals.  We also need a campaign manager to organise the event – if you are interested or know someone who could do this, please let us know.

For more information or to put your name forward, please email:




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