As part of our series of events on transport planning and city leadership, Val Shawcross, Deputy London Mayor for Transport, will introduce the recently published draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy. This statutory document describes itself as “an ambitious strategy that puts people’s health and quality of life at the very heart of planning the city’s transport. [ ] It provides the blueprint for making London a city that is not only home to more people, but is a better place for all of those people to live in.” Join us to find out about the strategy and discuss the role of transport planning in delivering visions for a city.
Chair: John Dales, Urban Movement and former TPS chair
Venue: Telford Theatre, One Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA
Please arrive 18:00 for an 18:30 start.
Registration for this event is open. If you cannot attend in person, a WebEx facility will be provided.
Image: Joely Hill
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