Lynda Addison OBE was duly elected as Chair of the Society at the Annual General Meeting last Thursday along with five new Board Members. They were :-
Dr David Connolly (re-elected for 2nd Term)
Andrew Dennison
Kate Morris
Laura Putt
Martin Wedderburn


Laura, Martin, David and Andrew photographed above

Congratulations go to Lynda and all the elected Directors.

Also at the AGM, Dominic  McGrath the Treasurer reported a strong year financially leaving the Society in a sound position for which to further grow and develop new initiatives.

John Dales's Chairmans' report for 2017 can be read here Chair's Report to TPS AGM 2nd March 2017.pdf

The minutes of the AGM and other attachments can be downloaded  here 2017 AGM Minutes_Final.pdf

The Board Resolution concerning the number of elected Directors  in the future can be found here 2017 Articles Resolution Summary.doc


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