Our Regional Representative in Northern Ireland (NI), Stephen Wood, has been named as the TPS Transport Planner of the Year, 2016. Stephen has done sterling work in strengthening the function of transport planning within NI as Head of Transport Planning and Modelling within the Department for Infrastructure (NI).  He is currently leading the introduction of four-stage multimodal models for NI and for Belfast to facilitate an ongoing and integrated approach to transport planning in the Province for the first time.

He has also promoted the application of transport planning processes more widely within the Department through establishing a Managed Services Framework covering modelling, scheme appraisal, strategy formulation and local public transport scheduling. He has devised and implemented local transport studies to support Council-led local development plans.

Outside his present job, Stephen was the first transport planner in NI to be awarded TPP. He has lectured in transport planning at Queens University Belfast and the University of Ulster. He has been TPS Regional Representative in NI for many years and in parallel with his work in promoting transport planning within the Department for Infrastructure, has reinvigorated our Regional Branch over the past two years, resulting in a 275% increase in local TPS membership.

Stephen has shone the light for transport planning in Northern Ireland and TPS is delighted to recognise his efforts and achievements and nominate him as TPS Transport Planner of the Year, 2016.

A photo of him receiving the award from Dominic McGrath, TPS Treasurer is below.

Stephen TPOY




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