Smart Ways to Promote Sustainable Travel – A Case Study of Cambridge

With a tradition of sustainable travel and innovation, coupled with some eye-watering challenges relating to growth and congestion, Cambridge is at the forefront of developing smart ways to promote sustainable travel. This workshop will showcase the work that the Councils and partners are doing to respond to these challenges, utilising new data platforms, new mobile technologies and new transit technologies.

Act TravelWise is seeking to boost regional networking activity in the East of England through this event marketed throughout the region and open to all transport practitioners. The free event will take place at the University of Cambridge from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, followed by an East of England regional meeting from 2:00 to 3:00 pm, which will serve to help shape ongoing regional activity based on the needs that are vocalised by those in the region.

Draft programme:

  • Introduction: Why Cambridge needs smart solutions: background context to growth challenges and the requirement to grow sustainable travel to keep the city moving (Cambridge CC rep)
  • Cambridge’s digital platform – how Cambridge has built a digital platform and is using it to improve transport planning and operation (Professor Ian Lewis, University of Cambridge)
  • Towards Mobility as a Service – the progress the city has made in developing a journey planning and exploring the potential for MaaS (Dan Clarke, Cambridge CC smart technology manager)
  • CAVs and autonomous rapid transit: visions for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and new rapid transit solutions, and how these are being taken forward, including trialling of CAVs on the busway (Professor John Miles, University of Cambridge)
  • The role of partners: the University will lay out its progressive transport strategy and plans for promoting sustainable travel over the short to long-term (Andrew Coleman, University Transport Manager, Jessica Cunningham).
  • How new developments are responding to the challenge: Cambridge Biomedical Campus discuss how they’re dealing with the challenge of getting staff to this major new edge of town facility (Katharine Smith, CBC)
  • How transport practitioners can apply some of the lessons from Cambridge in their own local contexts

The sessions are designed to be interactive, with plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Free event. Optional lunch £10. Register now via Eventbrite!


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