Session: Healthy Streets - Improving the Walkability of our Cities, London
Date: TBC
Location: London
Training provider: PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd
Cost: Standard Fee: £365 + VAT CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £345 + VAT
Contact: PTRC Training
Telephone: 02073481970
Type: Course
STAR Competence: 2.1 Transport Planning


Walking is the glue that holds all trips together. Most short journeys are still made wholly on foot and is one of the most common form of travel in Britain; accounting for 22% of all journeys in 2012, forming the first and last mile of most longer journeys. Walking offers a healthy, low-cost, non-polluting mode of transport that is available to most people, regardless of age and income. It has a significant role to play within an overall integrated transport system, both as a mode of transport in its own right and in conjunction with other modes.Walking is the nearest activity to perfect exercise and is the cheapest and simplest form of transport. Not only does it keep the walker healthy but it keeps the planet healthy too by cutting down on harmful air pollutants. The benefits of a cleaner environment not only offer health benefits it can often be a catalyst for improving the economy.This course sets out the strategic drivers including economic, environmental, social, technologies and political domains that are shaping our future cities. It discusses the movements and place dimensions and identifies the various benefits of walking and how that would be achievable by quantitative and qualitative measurements.


Topics covered

• UK walking policies and strategies

• benefits of walking

• setting goals and objectives

• policy framework and implementation

• demand forecasting

• casualty statistics and safety considerations

• education, training and publicity - types of measures

• enforcement strategies and measures

• inclusive walking and access

• autonomous vehicles and impact on walking

• stakeholder participation and engagement

• maintenance and management

• current conditions and challenges

Target Audience:

This course is designed to provide a solid introduction to walking considerations and is suitable for professionals working in the fields of transport planning, transport policy, highway engineering, road safety, public health, or with managerial responsibility for these roles. It will also be of interest to people addressing walking and transport issues.

More Information:

At the end of the course, participants will have an understanding of:

• various measures available through policy, infrastructure, and promotion that would incentivise and facilitate walking as a daily mode of transport

• the role national, regional and local governments play in integrating active modes into mainstream modes of transport

• the effect that the public image of walking have on mode choices

• the role of consultation with stakeholders and communities

• wellbeing, diversity and inclusion benefits

• conflicts that can arise as walking numbers increase

• the role key performance indicators and targets play in the delivery of holistic and ‘fit-for-purpose’ schemes and initiatives

• various forms of funding available for the delivery of walking 

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