The Transport Planning Society Policy Group is currently preparing a response to the Government’s consultation on the draft Airports National Policy Statement. This document sets out the specific requirements that the applicant for a new north-west runway at Heathrow Airport will need to meet to gain development consent. It is a strategically important consultation which will have significant implications for UK transport policy.

Our response will be prepared in line with the views of the TPS membership, as evidenced through the latest TPS membership survey, and steered by the Board directors on the TPS Policy Group.

If you would like to contribute to the consultation response please email: Please include your membership number in the response.
All comments or contributions received will be considered for inclusion in the TPS formal submission.

Further details of the consultation can be found at:

The consultation closes on 25 May 2017 so please respond to TPS  by 11 May 2017 to ensure your views are considered.


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