Interest in biofuels today primarily stems from the desire to reduce the transport sector's contribution to climate change. The UK Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) responds to the 2003 EU Biofuels Directive; it obliges transport fuel suppliers to ensure that by 2010 biofuels account for 5% by volume of the fuel supplied on UK forecourts.

Friends of the Earth (FoE) says that right now "miles of rainforest are being destroyed to make way for biofuel crops and what is truly bizarre is that this is being done in the name of tackling climate change". FoE calls this "utterly insane". The Government has now commissioned the UK Renewable Fuels Agency to conduct an urgent review of the indirect impacts of biofuel targets on land use change and international food prices. Come to the event to find out more on the extraordinary debate raging over biofuels and whether they may be 'part of the solution or part of the problem'.


  • Brian White - Director of Bioener G Ltd, Board Member of Renewable Fuels Agency and MP for Milton Keynes North East 1997-2005. 
  • Kenneth Richter - Agrofuels Campaigner and Friends of the Earth.

Start Time: 18:15 for 18:45

Cost: Free to members, £5 to non-members.

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