The first survey of PDS trainees, mentors and managers has just closed and, given the opportunity for respondents to make individual comments, a full analysis will not be complete until the end of next month.  However some key points are already clear – the growth in the scheme means that the vast majority are at a relatively early stage in the PDS – 53% have been on the scheme less than a year.  There is a strong intention to apply for TPP, but the pipeline of candidates for either the PDS certificate of completion or the TPP will not be significant for at least another year.  Keith Buchan, TPS Director of Skills, said,

“The survey is very encouraging but has important lessons for our work in delivering a successful PDS.  In particular we need to encourage candidates to stay with the scheme and ensure a smooth transition to the TPP.  We will be working on new ideas to support members of the scheme and further involving PDS users in their development.”

PDS Survey headlines

  • Majority of trainees are recent joiners:
    • 19% <6 months
    • 34% <1 year
    • 35% <2 years
  • Top reason for PDS: “getting employer to ensure wide range of experience”
  • >55% had had a review visit
  • 65% had met with their mentor in last 3 months, other forms of communication are being used, especially email
  • 54% use quarterly reports
  • 69% going to apply for TPP
  • 40% in 1-3 years but only 1% within the next year
  • Top challenge: “finding time to complete records”
  • There was a wide variety of opinion about the clarity of PDS and its links to TPP.

There are also a large number of individual comments which the team will be going through.



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