The bursary scheme is designed to allow young transport planners time to conduct a piece of structured thought on a topic of current relevance to transport planning, which would not otherwise be undertaken. 

In 2009 the Society is focusing the call for applications on a single “hot topic” - albeit a very broad one, with lots of scope for different interpretations and avenues of inquiry.  This is:

“Sustainable transport planning’s role in rebuilding the UK economy”

The call for applications is presented as a theme.  Applicants are asked to frame a specific title and subject for their bursary, of their own choice, relevant to the theme and to transport planning in the UK.  Applications sceptical of the assumptions implicit in the theme are equally welcomed. 

The value of the bursary is £500 and up to 5 awards will be made. 

See the article on the scheme in the latest edition of All Change, Spring 2009. 

For further information and an application form please click here

To encourage people to participate, TPS members are asked to print off a flyer and circulate around their offices, display it on notice boards etc. 


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