Transport and Spatial Planning
Date: Monday, 23 November 2015 at 2:00PM - 5:40PM
Venue: University of Liverpool in London, 33 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG, UK

After a period of relative neglect, the strategic importance of transport is back on the political agenda. Proposals for integrated transport and land-use planning feature prominently in devolution bids from across the country, while spatial planning is increasingly seen as essential for realising the wider benefits of major transport projects. 
 Our panel of speakers will examine how transport planning can be integrated into spatial policy at a range of different levels, discussing changes to policy and legislation, the impact of major transport investment, and the delivery of transport projects under current planning and funding regimes.

The half-day format and modest cost is aimed at professionals and students from spatial and transport planning. It will provide them with the opportunity to hear from and question leading practitioners from government, academia and key public agencies.
Confirmed speakers:
*         Graham Pendlebury: Director of Local Transport at the Department for Transport
*         John Worthington: Director of the Academy of Urbanism
*         Steve Melia: UWE and author of 'Urban transport without the hot air'
*         David Quarmby: Leader of the Rees-Jeffries Road Fund project 'Major roads for the future'
*         Ian Wray: Fellow of the Heseltine Institute and a Visisting Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Liverpool
*         Martin Tugwell: Programme Director, England's Economic Heartland Strategic Alliance
*         Alan Wenban-Smith: Urban and Regional Policy

 RTPI members, TPS members and students will receive a £12 discount on the full ticket price.

 Download the agenda and speaker biographies

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