While the intentions behind particular policies point towards sustainability goals, attitudes towards mode choice are proving more difficult to shift. Specific actions are driving best practice in reducing car dependence by providing alternative means of car sharing and public transport use, whilst others look at promoting non-motorized forms of transport. This publication brings together an international group of researchers and presents work from different countries dealing with issues related to transport policy, attitudes and mode choice, car sharing and alternative modes of transport, and discusses the future of non-motorized modes of transport.
This book provides a rich and comprehensive insight into the current challenges and policies related to the growing concern about urban transport sustainability in the space-economy. This volume is of a great value to researchers and practitioners, given the urgent relevance of understanding the evolution of daily mobility patterns and their impact on the urban infrastructures and environment, in the light of the recent research programme EU-Horizon 2020, which has as one of its main Challenges ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport. Aura Reggiani, University of Bologna, Italy
A useful addition to the sustainable transport bookshelf, especially for readers interested in transport user behaviour, attitudes and perceptions. These issues are considered across a variety of contexts, user groups and transport modes, including different forms of new mobility services. Dominic Stead, Delft University of Technology
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