Utility cycling – for work, shopping and other everyday trips – is on the up in Britain, and not just in London.  The original £94m Cycle Ambition Grant launched in 2013 has received match-funding to take it to almost £200m. This has now  been extended, with a further £114m allocation.

Cycle City : Active City is the UK’s annual gathering of cycling expertise.  Delegates at this event will:

• Learn how schemes from around the world are getting more people to cycle and walk for everyday journeys

• Understand how to motivate women, children and older people to travel by bike and on foot

• See how streets and neighbourhoods can easily support active, healthy lifestyles

• Understand new opportunities for using public health frameworks and funding streams

• Make a strong business case for investing in active travel and activity-friendly places

• Leave better informed and better prepared to develop active travel and places in your locality

The funding allocations will be outlined in this year's edition of Get Britain Cycling, published at the conference -see  www.getbritaincycling.net .

TPS members enjoy a 10% discount on delegate fees.   Secure your place at: www.cyclecityactivecity.co.uk – using discount  code TPSCCAC15 for TPS members only.


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