After a close contest one new Director, Stephen Bennett a transport professional at Arup, was elected to the TPS Board and two serving Directors, John Rider and Sara Cole, were re-elected at the AGM on Thursday 5 March 2015. The complete composition of the Board and allocation of roles will be published shortly.


 Nick Richardson, outgoing chair, Dominic McGrath, Treasurer and Sara Coles, TPS Secretary at 2015 AGM

 Our thanks go to those who stood for election but were not successful this time. Our thanks also go to outgoing Chair Nick Richardson, and Director Ruth Bradshaw.

For further details on the AGM, please view the minutes here.

Follwing the AGM, Frank Baxter from Southampton  City Council, winner of the 2014 TPS Transport Planner of the Year gave a lecture on the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.


 Frank Baxter delivering his presentation at the AGM

 To download his presentation click Here



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