The devolution of transport powers is becoming a hot topic in the industry. It is argued that the political structure in Scotland and London and soon in Greater Manchester, which locates transport powers more closely to those affected by it, brings substantial benefits.
In their report Transport for Growth: Unlocking the Potential in City Regions the Institution of Civil Engineers recommend the creation of fully integrated city region transport authorities with much greater responsibility for road infrastructure, all local public transport – and in some cases influence over national road and rail networks. Furthermore, devolution may be considered as a means of spreading economic growth and redressing the imbalance between London and other parts of the country. Devolution is a theme throughout the CILT/TPS 'A Vision for Transport Planning'; its vision sets out that transport would be underpinned by medium to long-term central and local government spatial planning strategies and substantial devolution of powers to strategic local authorities.
Our speakers for this event are:
Michael Dawson – Campaigns Director at Campaign for the North, a think tank pushing for more powers to be devolved to the North. His presentation will focus on the need for a complete overhaul of trans-pennine rail policy, alongside much-needed infrastructure improvements to the North East.
Jonathan Spruce – Director of Fore Consulting and ICE Transport Expert Panel Member. His talk will focus on the ICE's position on devolution, including an accelerated process of power transfer away from central Government, creation of fully integrated transport authorities and more certainty in longer term funding to city regions.
Martin Tugwell - is the Programme Director for the Tri-County Partnership: through which Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire are exploring the benefits of combining strategic planning and delivery at the sub-national level. His presentation will set out the opportunities that devolution potentially offers outside of the major urban conurbations. Martin has worked previously at the regional and national level.
Other speakers to be confirmed.
For further details and how to book, please see the attached flyer.
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