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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
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Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
The Association for European Transport has now identified some major themes of interest to all working in transport planning. These topics will make up the headline themes of the 2015 European Transport Conference:
* Urban Mobility
* The promotion and integration of non-motorised modes
* Social Equity in transport
* Resilience to the effects of changes in the climate
* Assessment of techniques for the appraisal of major projects
* Models to support Transport Planning and Policy
* Investment in Transport Infrastructure
* Automated Driving and Smart Mobility
* Big Data: hype or hope?
You are invited to submit an abstract based on one of the above themes or on one of those suggested by the Programme Committees. About one third of the total conference programme will be devoted to the major themes listed above.
Individual Programme Committees have also identified topics and their
Calls for Papers can be found on the site.
Abstracts can now be submitted to the
<> ETC website. If you have submitted abstracts to ETC since ETC 2014, it is possible to sign in with your existing user credentials, which will remain the same. However, if this is your first time submitting through this website then you should register a new user account. The deadline for abstract submission is 6 February 2015.
Papers presented at ETC 2015 could also be reviewed and selected for publication under the new ELSEVIER series Transportation Research PROcedia and other reputable transport journals.
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