What is TPM?

TPM is the annual meeting place for all transport planners, highway engineers and urban transport designers.

Practitioners, policy makers and academics will present numerous, topical papers over the course of the two days, enabling  lively debates and the dissemination of the latest thinking across the profession.  The conference is focussed on the latest developments for the transport industry and the multi-streamed format allows participants access to papers and workshops covering a wide range of topical issues, as identified by the profession.

 Why submit a paper ?

Presenting a paper at TPM is an excellent opportunity to raise your personal or company profile in connection with a specific topic. It’s also a great developmental opportunity for younger practitioners, offering a unique way of gaining experience of presenting to a friendly, but knowledgeable audience of fellow professionals.  As well as the personal kudos gained, presenting a paper at TPM counts as 14 hours of CPD. A selection of papers presented at TPM are chosen for inclusion within the CILT’s magazine, Focus, which is distributed to 16,000 people working in the field of transportation.


The deadline for submission of abstracts is 12 noon, Monday 2nd February 2015. Authors will be notified whether their abstract has been selected by Friday 27th February 2015.

For further information, please go to http://www.ptrc-training.co.uk/Events/TPM2015.aspx or email info@ptrc-training.co.uk, or call 0207 348 1970.


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