There is an ongoing debate within the profession as to whether our methods for the appraisal of transport schemes and initiatives are providing the information that decision-makers really need. Concerns have been raised, for example, whether current appraisal reflect all the relevant impacts of schemes and policies, whether these are valued appropriately and whether the focus on monetised impacts of individual schemes leads to a coherent long term transport policy.  Finally, there are doubts whether our existing modelling toolkit is up to the task.  A thorny subject but at the heart of how we professionally support transport related decision-making.
Our speakers, David Metz, Tom Worsley and Tom van Vuren, provided us with an insight into their views on the subject matter which provoked an interesting debate among attendees at the ICE and those who joined via the webcast.
If you have missed the event and would like to find out more, you can watch it here:

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