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TPS is pleased to announce the launch Transport Planning Day 2024.
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Open to all those studying or working in transport planning, or related fields, on a professional basis.
The Society is Looking for a New Skills Director
As Martin Richards, the Society’s Director for Skills, is planning to retire we are looking for successor to lead the skills work, which is central to the Society’s mission, including the TPS Professional Development Scheme and the TPP qualification.
Our ideal candidate would be known and respected within the profession, have the TPP, know the PDS and TPP standards and be a champion for the profession, for the PDS and for the TPP. While they might have recently retired, be planning to retire or work as an independent, the crucial requirement is an ability to work successfully with a range of employers, PDS mentors as well as with other members of the Society’s skills team and the TPS Board.
The Society has some flexibility in the range of functions to be directly undertaken by the new Director for Skills and those that might be undertaken by others. The intention is to agree a detailed job description with the preferred candidate.
The Director for Skills is a co-opted member of the Society’s Board of Directors, receives an honorarium from the Society and is remunerated for expenses reasonably incurred.
Further information is available here
Those interested in becoming the Society's Director for Skills should send their CV together with a statement about the reasons for their interest in and their possible approach to the role to Martin Richards from whom further information is available.
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