Transport and Mobility
Series editor: Richard Knowles, University of Salford, UK and Markus Hesse, Université du Luxembourg and on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Transport Geography Research Group (TGRG)

The inception of this series marks a major resurgence of geographical research into transport and mobility. Reflecting the dynamic relationships between socio-spatial behaviour and change, it acts as a forum for cutting-edge research into transport and mobility, and for
innovative and decisive debates on the formulation and repercussions of transport policy making.

The Geographies of Air Transport (Edited by Andrew Goetz and Lucy Budd) has already been hailed as a ‘seminal text’,  with many world experts providing new and unique insights and a contemporary global perspective. This book fills an important gap in the literature, and is a worthy successor to earlier and  long out of print books by Brian Graham (1995) Geography and Air Transport, and by Ken Sealy (1957 & 1966) The Geography of Air Transport.

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The editors  would like to receive proposals for new titles for the Transport and Mobility series, either monographs or edited volumes, and look forward to hearing from you either by email or in person at the upcoming IGU and RGS Conferences.



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