There are four successful bursarians this year on the topic of 'What should an incoming government do to improve planning for transport?'.

The winners and their chosen subjects are:
John Bradburn, Atkins - National Transport Planning: time for a re-think or business as usual?
Ward Alsafi, JMP - How can the government better link spatial planning with transport planning? A case for a nationwide planning policy presumption in favour of Transit Oriented Development (‘TOD’)
James Rhodes, JMP - An investigation of the relationship between transport and health whilst examining the importance of local people and adopting a bottom-up approach to transport planning policies and procedures.
Stuart Northall, Mott McDonald - Improving the political case for transport investment: an ex-post strategic case evaluation of the Nottingham Express Transit LRT Scheme.

Each of the winners will be preparing a short paper over the next few months which they will present to the TPS Board in early 2015, following which the 'Bursary of the Year' will be chosen and announced at the TPS AGM in February.


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