Stephen Wood, Associate Director Colin Buchanan will give a talk on:

Comparing Apples and Pears - the science behind transport planning decisions.

Stephen will attempt to take some of the mystery out of the transport planning decision-making process by outlining:

The use of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) techniques (or how to choose your next toaster!);
NATA - Governments New Approach to Transport Appraisal (effectively standardised MCA for Transport);
A typical NATA study process;
Examples of completed transport Appraisal Summary Tables (the key output from NATA studies); and
The future for transport appraisal.

Stephen has 25 years of experience in Transport Planning including five years in the Department for Regional Development where he played a key technical role in major decisions taken on the future of the Northern Ireland Railways network, the Regional Transport Strategy and the Sub-Regional Transport Plan. He has specialist knowledge on the appraisal of transport schemes from minor pedestrian improvements to major new inter-urban highways and urban rapid transit. 

The event will take place on Tuesday 10 February from 2.15 to 3.15pm. in Room 4F05, Jordanstown Campus, University of Ulster. 

This event is open to members and non-members. If you would like to attend please email Dr Jonathan Seymour by clicking here.  Places at this event will be allocated on a ‘first come’ basis and you need to confirm your interest by 5.00pm on Friday 6 February.

Refreshments will be provided.


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