With a broad base of experience, Vectos specialises in providing transport advice to developers, retailers, operators, land owners and public sector bodies who are responsible for any form of development. The company also provide a highway and transport infrastructure design and delivery service.

Recognising that the key to their business success is a motivated and competent work force, Vectos sees training as an investment that delivers tangible returns, rather than a “cost” , and actively encourages its staff to work towards a professional qualification.  For some that is Chartered Engineer, while for others it is the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification.

The company thinks it evident that ‘much thought and effort has gone into the development of the PDS, which provides a flexible approach that recognises the different academic background and experience that its people have’.  They
‘believe that the PDS offers a well-defined specification of a transport planner and sets out a pathway and clear set of competencies that need to be achieved to satisfy the PDS requirements, and for individuals to move forward to the TPP Professional Review. Interview. Our first cohort of transport planners are already working with their PDS mentors’


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