Training for Transportation Professionals is running a one-day course for non-modellers aspiring to gain the TPP qualification, with an introduction to the transport modelling process that will help them achieve the awareness level without having to become actual modellers.

It is also intended to provide project managers who deal with transport modellers and modelling practical help in getting the best out of transport models, also avoiding unrealistic expectations

The speakers include:

  • Alan Bailes - The Transportation Consultancy

  • Tom Van Vuren - Mott MacDonald

  • Nick Richardson - Mott MacDonald

  • Serbjeet Kohli - Steer Davis Gleave

  • Pilo Willumsen - Luis Willumsen Consultancy

  • Gerard O'Regan - Nationwide Data Collection

  • Roger Himlin – The Highways Agency

The one day course is at CIHT, 119 Britannia Walk, London N1 7JE on Thursday 21 November starting at 9.30am. The cost is £185 plus vat. To book your place contact Sabrina::
 Tel: 01564 793552 

Further details are available here


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