Download a brochure by clicking here.This one day conference offers a comprehensive guide to funding and financing solutions for new infrastructure projects.  It will cover key current areas including funding through planning gains and tax revenues,  debt funding and the opportunities available from private financing and institutional investment.

Delegates will have the opportunity to explore progress made to date with the Pension Infrastructure Platform, discuss the key drivers for investment, and hear a range of case studies of financing for major projects using multiple mechanisms.This conference will provide attendees with  the chance to discover more about available funding from the EU, state aid and examine funding though business rates including considering if TIF can provide a realistic solution to infrastructure financing.

  • Identify appropriate funding streams for your project
  • Explore how to fund a project through planning gains and tax revenues
  • Review the current state of infrastructure investment in the UK
  • Hear case studies of projects combining a mixture of funding and financing instruments
  • Discover the options and opportunities relating to private financing and institutional investment
  • Find out more about available funding from the EU and the role of the EIB
  • Join the debate on the key drivers for investment and question how to minimise against risk
  • Gain knowledge on the role of pension funds as a source of infrastructure investment
  • Network and share best practice with key stakeholders from the industry

TPS members are able to access free tickets for this event - to register an interest please email us by clicking here.


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