Last year in our TPS member survey, we asked members to give us an indication of their view in terms of aviation and airport capacity. The responses show that views are split, with members selecting answers from taxation and associated changes in demand, to expansion of airports in the south east, and growth in regions. 

Following the “Call for Evidence” for the draft Aviation Policy Framework we invite members to an event to discuss their views on the draft aviation framework and to hear industry opinions on the future for UK aviation. 

Speakers from a range of perspectives have been invited to contribute, with confirmed speakers including Daniel Moylan, who leads on the aviation policy for the Mayor of London.  

Please come along and join the debate.

Download a flyer for your office by clicking here.

Booking details will be available soon.  In the meantime, please register your interest by contacting Sara Andrews

Please note that entrance to the event is free for TPS members with their membership card.  A £5 fee applies to RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network members and a £10 fee applies to non-members.  The fee is payable on the evening.

Certificates of attendance are available to TPS members.  Please ensure you sign the register on the night and indicate your request for a certificate and these will be issued to you electronically after the event.


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