Abstracts of papers to be presented at this 2-day event are invited for all practitioners and stakeholders involved in the delivery of LSTF projects nationally.

Sustainable transport is one of the topics which TPS members express a great interest, and this event will provide discounts to members to attend, and members are encouraged to supply abstracts.

Abstracts can be for: presentations, workshops, discussion forums and other activities that will contribute to the programme.

The event will featuring presentations by the Minister of State for Transport and the attendance of the 96 LSTF project teams will be supported by the DfT.

All abstracts will be reviewed by a programme committee chaired by the DfT LSTF Communications Team.


An abstract should outline the following information:

1. Name, organisation and contact details of the person presenting
2. Topic of paper
3. Format and proposed length of paper - Workshop, roundtable discussion, site visit, case study, panel discussion, Pecha Kucha, etc.
4. Proposed content (50 - 200 words)

List of possible topics:

Below are a list of the topics presented in the first annual conference, this is not an exhaustive list and we are keen to hear further suggestions:
  • Bus infrastructure and service improvements
  • Smart ticketing
  • Rail integration improvements
  • Walking and cycling infrastructure
  • Personalised travel planning
  • Providing real-time travel information
  • Behaviour change campaigns
  • Procurement and finance
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Developing the LSTF network
  • Mobilizing employers
  • Providing Sustainable Access to Employment
  • Cycle Rail Project
  • Lessons from the Netherlands and applications to the UK
  • Effective Campaigns
  • Engagement with Stakeholders
  • New Technology
  • Public and shared transport
  • Public Health
  • Access to Education
  • Providing an LSTF knowledge legacy.
Submissions by 31 August – Please send to: rory.mcmullan@landor.co.uk
For more information see: www.landor.co.uk/smartertravel
Or call – 020 7091 7894

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