Two TPS members have gained the Transport Planning Professional qualification in the May reviews.  They are Peter Moth of Transport for London and Adam Lechmere of Pell Frischmann.  Well done to both!  We look forward to welcoming further submissions for the autumn round of reviews.

The documentation for the TPP has been heavily re-written both to reflect the slight changes made in the requirements and to make the guidance much more accessible.  The TPP web site is also being addressed and considerably improved as it is the first point of contact for many intending applicants.  We are also keen to receive submissions for the TPP via the Senior Route from professionals who can demonstrate substantial experience.

Peter Moth has been awarded TPP

Peter Moth, a Principal Transport Planner with TFL is one of nine candidates awarded the TPP after the May set of Professional Review Interviews.

After studying for a Masters in Transportation Planning & Engineering at Southampton, Peter joined Mott MacDonald in 2005, initially working in transport modelling, developing SATURN networks used for scheme appraisal and testing potential future schemes. It was at Motts that “he gained invaluable data collection and scheme appraisal experience.

Peter joined Transport for London in 2008, working on the development of a number of schemes, including East London Transit, Silvertown Crossing and the Emirates Air Line. Peter said that working in the TfL Planning team gave him the opportunity to obtain significant experience in policy development and stakeholder engagement. His current role is helping ensure that the High Speed 2 proposals within London are developed in a manner consistent with both Mayoral policy and TfL guidance.

Responding to a question as to why gaining the TPP qualification was important to him, Peter explained that
“it provides an industry-wide recognition for transport planners, something that didn't exist for non-engineers (like me) going into transport planning when I started my career”.  

He found the application process
“fairly intuitive, aided by being able to secure the assistance of a recently qualified TPP TfL colleague.  While completing the Portfolio of Evidence was a time consuming and rigorous process, it clearly sets out the breadth of experience required and I found the template relevant and user-friendly.  For my project synopsis, I opted for a single project - High Speed 2 - as I had covered the majority of core competencies during my nearly four years work on it.  Having received the odd tough question In my Professional Review Interview, I would advise any future TPP candidates not to focus solely on technical criteria; a lot of time was spent testing my understanding of process and my role in the bigger picture. Overall, my experience was a positive one, and I look forward to spreading the word about TPP among my colleagues at TfL and elsewhere”.


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